Add a bold, vibrant touch to your dog’s outdoor gear with the Danish Design 3-in-1 Dog Coat in Plum. This eye-catching coat provides premium weather protection, keeping your dog warm, dry, and comfortable while turning heads with its striking colour. Perfect for dogs of all breeds, this coat is both functional and stylish.
The 3-in-1 design makes this coat a year-round essential. The waterproof outer shell protects against rain, while the detachable fleece lining offers warmth during dry, cold days. For harsher weather, layer them together to provide full insulation and protection. This adaptability ensures your dog is ready for any adventure.
Crafted from waterproof and breathable fabrics, the coat includes a full chest piece for added coverage and protection. The adjustable funnel neck collar features a toggle for a snug, secure fit, while elastic leg straps keep the coat in place during active walks or play.
A reflective belt enhances visibility during low-light conditions, making your dog easier to spot in dimly lit areas. For additional safety, attach a Danish Design Safety Light to the sewn-in fixing point. The adjustable Velcro straps and dual-zip harness access point make fitting and securing the coat a breeze.
The coat is available in six sizes to ensure a perfect fit for all dogs:
This coat is machine washable at 30°C, making it easy to clean after muddy or wet adventures. Avoid tumble drying and reproof the waterproof layer as needed to keep it in peak condition.
The Danish Design 3-in-1 Dog Coat in Plum is an essential addition to your dog’s outdoor wardrobe, combining functionality with a vibrant, fashionable flair.
We have More Colours HERE