Versele Laga Contry’s Best Gra-Mix Chick & Quail is a high-quality grain mixture for chicks and quail. This mixture consists of a variation of grains, seeds and very finely broken maize. Thanks to the extra fine ingredients in this mixture, the feed can easily be ingested by chicks and quail.
Dust free
Dust free seed that is selected and thoroughly cleaned grains and seeds.
Directions for use:
The Gra-Mix Chicken and quail mixture is only an additional feed. If you give too much grain the chick’s condition will decrease and the number of eggs will greatly diminish. In addition to a small serving of grain mixture (max. 10 %) your poultry must also be given a complete feed for optimal laying. Grain mixtures must be rationed. Thanks to the very finely broken feeds, this mix is particularly suited for chicks and quail.
Maize, Sorghum, wheat, peas, millet, rape seed, canary seed, rice, linseed, panicum, niger seed, rapeseed oil